The Living Green Blog For the green-minded home cleaner in you.

The complete guide to cleaning and organising your kitchen

The complete guide to cleaning and organising your kitchen

The kitchen is one of the busiest rooms in the house. Here, food is prepared and eaten, family traipse back and forth, homework and socialising occur, and pets scour the benches for scraps. With all this activity, it’s no wonder the room can quickly end up in a state.

By keeping up with a regular cleaning routine and incorporating organisational techniques, you can create an efficient and health kitchen that’s enjoyable for work and play. In this article we look at what you need to create the ideal kitchen routine, from cleaning supplies to techniques and organisational hacks

Easy hacks for getting rid of pesky fruit flies

Easy hacks for getting rid of pesky fruit flies

Keep fruit flies to a minimum by ensuring you get rid of anything that might attract them. This means storing ripe fruit in the refrigerator. As soon as fruit ripens and starts to vinegarise, you’ll notice fruit flies materialising. Wash your dishes as soon as possible after cooking and eating, clean out the sink drain, and freeze off fruits and vegetables before throwing them on the compost heap to prevent them becoming fruit fly magnets.
Cleaning tips for surfaces in your home

Cleaning tips for surfaces in your home

Different types of surfaces require specific cleaning methods. A method that works on one type of surface could leave an even bigger mess on another. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of surface-cleaning tips to help you keep every surface in your home clean and neat.
The best and healthiest ways to clean your kitchen utensils

The best and healthiest ways to clean your kitchen utensils

When you’re whipping up a tasty meal in the kitchen, do you give a thought to what might be getting into your food from your utensils? While you’re stirring, flipping, or skewering, food particles and bacteria may be passing on to your food.

Keeping your kitchen utensils clean and sanitized is essential to producing delicious and healthy food. Here’s how to do it:

Creating your own laundry routine

Creating your own laundry routine

Laundry is one of those household jobs that never seems to be finished. As soon as you wash one load there’s another one waiting for you.

The key to beating the never-ending cycle is to develop a laundry routine that works for your household. A laundry routine ensures everything that needs to be washed gets done every week without you having to stress about it.

Here are our tips for a successful laundry routine: